We start a two part series on evangelical trends of the last 50 years, this week focusing on the rise of megachurch/seeker sensitive churches, plus the "Emerging Church" of the early 2000s. Topics include:
- Where "Relationship over Religion" came from and why it's wrong
- How the biggest churches of the 80s and 90s set us up for the decline we're seeing today
- What ever happened to the "Emerging church" and its anti-building, anti-rules emphasis?
- Where we see the influences of these movements in the churches of Christ
The youth dropout rate in Christianity remains high. Is youth ministry helping, or is it hurting? In this week's episode: - What we should...
"Pharisee" is a religious insult so broadly used that is often becomes almost meaningless. But the word does have a meaning, and it's important...
We celebrate our 100th episode with a "Get to know your hosts" series of questions. Topics cover a wide range, including: - Bible questions-...