"Religion Over Relationship" and Other Evangelical Trends, Pt. 1

August 28, 2023 01:10:14
"Religion Over Relationship" and Other Evangelical Trends, Pt. 1
Think Deeper
"Religion Over Relationship" and Other Evangelical Trends, Pt. 1

Aug 28 2023 | 01:10:14


Show Notes

We start a two part series on evangelical trends of the last 50 years, this week focusing on the rise of megachurch/seeker sensitive churches, plus the "Emerging Church" of the early 2000s. Topics include:

- Where "Relationship over Religion" came from and why it's wrong

- How the biggest churches of the 80s and 90s set us up for the decline we're seeing today

- What ever happened to the "Emerging church" and its anti-building, anti-rules emphasis?

- Where we see the influences of these movements in the churches of Christ

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