How "Nice Guys" Destroy the Home, Church, and Society

September 12, 2023 01:07:37
How "Nice Guys" Destroy the Home, Church, and Society
Think Deeper
How "Nice Guys" Destroy the Home, Church, and Society

Sep 12 2023 | 01:07:37


Show Notes

We discuss the "Nice Guy" issue plaguing modern masculinity and why it subverts everything God intended for men to be.

Topics include:

- Why "Nice Guys" are unsuited to lead their home and make everyone miserable
- The reason "bad boys" like Andrew Tate are popular
- "Nice Guys" in positions of political power
- "Nice Guys" vs. True masculinity in the Bible
- How "Nice Guys" in church leadership slowly choke the life out of the congregation
- The role of women in raising and encouraging "Nice Guyism" in men

Join us on Focus+ to submit comments and questions for our Deep End segment that releases each Friday!

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