All this technology was supposed to make us more connected than ever, but instead we're a culture more lonely and separated than perhaps any in human history.
So many people have no one to talk to, no one to share life with, no one to encourage them. The church should have the answer for this problem, but in too many cases it's very hard to go beyond the surface level with each other.
In this episode we discuss the scope of the problem of loneliness, the challenges involved, and solutions we can all pursue.
Join us as we begin a brief arc on relationships, one of the great needs of our day.
The rainbows are out in full force once again. We discuss the LGBT's not-so-subtle moves toward sexualizing children, what parents can do, and how...
Jack and Joe break down the logical fallacies and bad arguments used to introduce false teachings and teach you how to spot them. Topics...
There are many things the Bible does not discuss. There are also plenty of things it discusses briefly or vaguely without giving a firm...