“Church Family” isn’t a figure of speech

August 08, 2022 00:57:24
“Church Family” isn’t a figure of speech
Think Deeper
“Church Family” isn’t a figure of speech

Aug 08 2022 | 00:57:24


Show Notes

Everybody talks about having a "church family," but do we act like we really believe it's a family? In episode 3 of our Church Reset series, we discuss what it would look like to truly act as a family in the way God intended, including: - Why consumer Christianity fails to produce family-like churches - Examining the "one anothers" - Practical ways we can build stronger fellowship - The 3 types of fellowship, and which one we need the most Music: “Focus” by A. A. Aalto Free Music Archive (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/A_A_Aalto/Connections/Focus)

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